Parish Services

Baptism & Baptismal Certificates

Faithful to this commandment the Church welcomes individuals into communion with Christ through Baptism. The sacrament marks the entry into a life of faith. The newly-baptised person assumes the responsibility of living a holy life and, particularly in the case of an infant, this will require the support of other members of the Christian community. The meaning and grace of the sacrament of Baptism are evident in the rites of its celebration. 


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28: 19-20)


Baptisms take place on the 1st Sunday of each month.
Families are expected to attend the 10.30am Mass on the 1st Sunday of each month where they present their baby/child and the baby/child is welcomed into the Catholic Faith by the whole congregation present. After the Mass the Baptism Rite continues with the families being invited to the Baptismal Font where the baby/child is Baptised.  When you come along to the 10.30am Mass we request that you sit on the first bench on the right hand side of the Church (as you enter). The child/baby should be dressed in a white garment. 
Please bring with you – 
• Christening Shawl• Baptismal Candle
If you have any further queries you can contact the Parish Office.

Tel: 01 283 79 48 Email:

A copy of the Baptism Request Form is available below to download.    Please return the completed form to the Parish Office. Please also provide a copy of the original Birth Certificate when returning the Baptism Request Form.  

The Ceremony

The ceremony begins with the family being welcomed by the celebrant on behalf of the Church. The priest or deacon enquires of the parents the name they have given their baby and he also asks them if they accept the undertaking of raising the child in the Christian faith. The following gestures and words are important parts of the unfolding celebration:

The sign of the Cross – this marks the imprint of Christ. The celebrant, parents and godparents greet the candidate by tracing the sign of the cross on its forehead. This signifies that the child is going to belong to Christ.

Proclamation of the Word of God – reveals the truth of God to those gathered. Prayer is important since Baptism marks the candidate’s entry into the life of faith.

Cathecumenate – signifies our liberation from sin. Baptism is made necessary by Original Sin and so the celebrant prays that the child may be delivered from every evil. Anointing with the Oil of Baptism supplements this prayer and is a sign of the strength to be derived from Christ.

Profession of Faith– in the case of an infant the parents will renew their Baptismal Promises. Parents recite these on behalf of the candidate just as their own parents did for them. The vows are an important reminder of the obligation to raise the child as a faithful Christian.

Baptismal Water – this has been consecrated through the power of the Spirit so those baptized in it will be ‘born of water and the Spirit’. Ordinarily the water used will have been blessed at the Easter Vigil. 

Baptism – this is the essential rite of the sacrament. It consists of triple infusion with water accompanied by the invocation of each person of the Most Holy Trinity. The priest or deacon will pour the baptismal water over the child’s head three times, saying: “N., I baptize you in the name of the Father.”

Anointing with sacred chrism – signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit and anticipates future Confirmation. “Christ” translates as the “anointed on ” and so the child is now enrolled in the Church, the Body of Christ, and is tasked with the role of living as a Christian.

 White garment – the baptised person has ‘put on Christ’, has risen with Christ. The infant is wrapped in the garment to signify he or she is newly clothed in Christ and is ready to be His witness in the world.

Candle – usually the father or a godparent will be given a candle to light from the paschal candle. This is a sign that the baptized are now ‘the light of the world’ and that the light of Christ will radiate in and through their lives.

Touch – To signify the new relationship created by Baptism, the priest or deacon touches the child on the head to symbolise the new relationship between the newly baptized child and the Church represented by the priest or deacon.

Solemn blessing – the celebration of Baptism concludes with special prayers for each parent and godparents for all who have participated in the joyous occasion. 


Most baptisms in the parish are at the request of parents of newly-born children. Baptism is a sacrament of faith, performed in the midst of a community of believers. Faith inevitably matures and grows after baptism. This is especially so when the candidate is a child. It is particularly important in this case that the grace received at baptism develops and is safeguarded. In this task the commitment, support and guidance of the parents along with the godfather and godmother (who must be firm believers) are essential.


We have been blessed in the parish by the reception of some mature adults into the faith. Unlike newborns, their preparation to enter the Church should involve readiness to receive all the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This is part of the wider Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

Baptismal Certificates

If you need a Baptismal Certificate, please contact or email  the Parish Office at:

Parish Office – Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am – 12.00pm.

Tel: 01 283 7948 Email:



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